Midwest Acupuncture and Sound Healing now brings you Pyradym. Pyradym is a physioacoustic instrument designed to stimulate and facilitate the human body's innate self-healing mechanisms. Pyradym, the synergistic combination of sound and color therapy for pain relief and emotional/physical balancing is a self-contained electrically powered apparatus designed to stimulate and facilitate the human body’s innate self-healing mechanisms.
Key Features:
Chakra-aligned Analogue Sound Generator
Audiophile Grade Analogue Waveforms
Internal 100 Watt Physioacoustic Transducer (headphones included)
Synchronised Light Therapy system
Automatic and Manual Modes
Preconfigured Tonal/Color Alignments for each Chakra
Hand-Cut Brazilian Crystal Capstone
Premium Hardwood Cabinet
The Human Energy Field is a complex energetic, multidimensional field that surrounds, penetrates and IS the human body. Energetic vortexes called Chakras nourish every organ and cell in our bodies. These Chakras, in turn, collect energy from the Universal Energy Field that is all around us. When blocks accumulate in the energetic filed, a disruption in the flow of energy through the Chakras results. It is these blocks that disrupt the harmony in the field and eventually are the cause of disease, as well as emotional and mental disorders in the physical body. Applying the principles of sympathetic resonance, imparting specific tones to these Chakras Pyradym can help to clear the blocks, thereby restructuring the Chakras and promoting healing.
With only 50 in production I am happy to offer this form of sound healing. I have found Pyradym is a fantastic aid to clearing blocks and inducing deep Delta and Theta brain waves, resulting in deep relaxation and treatments that hold longer. Now offered as a standalone system within treatments or in a small group sound healing setting with acupuncture my Pyradym also has the Obelisk subwoofer for use in larger rooms. Come try the Pyradym.
To learn more about Pyradym visit the inventor, August Worley’s website at www.augustara.com